Effective At-Home Skincare Devices: Top LED Masks and Dermal Rollers I Recommend

Every week a new patient of mine comes in asking for my thoughts on a device they’ve seen, read or heard about on Instagram and TikTok. So as a follow-up to my recent article on in-office laser treatments, I thought it would be useful to explore with you the at-home skincare devices. Of course these tools have gained popularity for their convenience, accessibility, and the promise of delivering professional-level results in the comfort of your home. But do they really work? and are they worth it? 

More and Less – Top 5 skin treatments that are in and out in 2025

As we find ourselves in the quiet space between Christmas and the New Year, I can’t help but reflect on the journey that 2024 has been. This time of year always feels like a natural pause, a moment to look back with gratitude and look forward with hope. It’s also a time to reset, to think deeply about what we want to carry into the next chapter of our lives and, just as importantly, what we want to leave behind.