Effective At-Home Skincare Devices: Top LED Masks and Dermal Rollers I Recommend

Every week a new patient of mine comes in asking for my thoughts on a device they’ve seen, read or heard about on Instagram and TikTok. So as a follow-up to my recent article on in-office laser treatments, I thought it would be useful to explore with you the at-home skincare devices. Of course these tools have gained popularity for their convenience, accessibility, and the promise of delivering professional-level results in the comfort of your home. But do they really work? and are they worth it?
More and Less – Top 5 skin treatments that are in and out in 2025

As we find ourselves in the quiet space between Christmas and the New Year, I can’t help but reflect on the journey that 2024 has been. This time of year always feels like a natural pause, a moment to look back with gratitude and look forward with hope. It’s also a time to reset, to think deeply about what we want to carry into the next chapter of our lives and, just as importantly, what we want to leave behind.
What I Learned in 2024 and What I’m Looking Forward to in 2025

As we find ourselves in the quiet space between Christmas and the New Year, I can’t help but reflect on the journey that 2024 has been. This time of year always feels like a natural pause, a moment to look back with gratitude and look forward with hope. It’s also a time to reset, to think deeply about what we want to carry into the next chapter of our lives and, just as importantly, what we want to leave behind.
Biohacks for a Healthier Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of joy, connection, and let’s be real also over-indulgence. With sugary treats, festive feasts, and busy schedules, and all the cookies that my staff insists on bringing in despite us all knowing better!, it’s easy for health to take a backseat. As a physician committed to empowering my patients, I believe biohacking—using science and self-experimentation to optimize well-being—can help you maintain health without compromising the season’s pleasures. So, knowing that we have to live through this food-abundance season, why not use these bio-hacks to navigate through this as best as we can.
Debunking Protein: The Common Misconceptions About Protein Intake and Sources

One of the most common topics of discussion in my practice has been about how much protein do we need to eat? This has been all the more relevant recently with the advent of the new class of weight loss medications, the GLP1 agonists which have made the focus of muscle loss a real concern. Skeletal muscle is probably the most important metabolic organ in our body, regulating how well we control glucose and insulin to how well we age. And our protein intake is the currency of how much muscle we build and retain.
Transforming Your Life: Lessons from my week-long retreat with Dr. Joe Dispenza

This past August, in the middle of summer heat, I had the privilege of attending the Week-Long Advanced Retreat in Dallas, led by Dr. Joe Dispenza. This was a trip I had been looking forward to for months. The experience was nothing short of transformative, providing profound insights that have reshaped how I approach life, growth, and personal change since I attended. I left the retreat with a deep sense of clarity, energy, and purpose — and I’ve decided to share the key lessons I’ve learned with you here.
Laser Focused: Choosing the Right Treatment for Your Skin

You’ve heard of BIG DATA, but have you heard of BIG LASER? The world of dermatology has been revolutionized by laser technology, providing innovative solutions for a multitude of skin concerns. As a board-certified internal medicine physician, I’m working with lasers daily and with so many options including fractionated lasers, erbium Yag lasers, IPLs etc, it’s important to understand how each works and who might benefit the most. So, let’s dive in, shall we?
Fall Back to Radiance: Effective At-Home Treatments for Skin Clarity

Summer was fun, but what’s not fun is the after-math of our skin, all the discoloration and hyperpigmentation you are seeing on your face this fall. As a board-certified internal medicine physician, I understand that achieving clear, even-toned skin can be a challenge, particularly after sun exposure. Fortunately, there are effective at-home treatments that can help improve skin clarity and tone, including both hydroquinone and non-hydroquinone alternatives.
The Power of Hormone Pellets: Testosterone and Estrogen Solutions for Peri-Menopause and Andropause

Although the changes we experience in our body and mind as we navigate this phase of our life is quite disconcerting, optimizing your hormone balance surely can provide a huge relief. In the realm of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), recent innovations have introduced a novel approach using pellets containing testosterone and estrogen. This method provides a more consistent and sustained release of hormones compared to traditional methods, significantly improving the management of hormone imbalances in both men and women. As a board-certified internal medicine physician my practice is based on optimal health, longevity and wellness so I am thrilled to share insights into how these pellets can benefit those experiencing perimenopause, menopause and andropause.
New Device Alert – Dermal Electroporation: Infusing Water-Soluble Ingredients for Skin Rejuvenation

Now this new treatment had me pause and pay attention!
In the ever-evolving field of dermatology and cosmetic medicine, dermal electroporation emerges as a cutting-edge technique poised to revolutionize skin rejuvenation- in a big way!