What I Learned in 2024 and What I’m Looking Forward to in 2025

As we find ourselves in the quiet space between Christmas and the New Year, I can’t help but reflect on the journey that 2024 has been. This time of year always feels like a natural pause, a moment to look back with gratitude and look forward with hope. It’s also a time to reset, to think deeply about what we want to carry into the next chapter of our lives and, just as importantly, what we want to leave behind.
Biohacks for a Healthier Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of joy, connection, and let’s be real also over-indulgence. With sugary treats, festive feasts, and busy schedules, and all the cookies that my staff insists on bringing in despite us all knowing better!, it’s easy for health to take a backseat. As a physician committed to empowering my patients, I believe biohacking—using science and self-experimentation to optimize well-being—can help you maintain health without compromising the season’s pleasures. So, knowing that we have to live through this food-abundance season, why not use these bio-hacks to navigate through this as best as we can.
The Power of Hormone Pellets: Testosterone and Estrogen Solutions for Peri-Menopause and Andropause

Although the changes we experience in our body and mind as we navigate this phase of our life is quite disconcerting, optimizing your hormone balance surely can provide a huge relief. In the realm of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), recent innovations have introduced a novel approach using pellets containing testosterone and estrogen. This method provides a more consistent and sustained release of hormones compared to traditional methods, significantly improving the management of hormone imbalances in both men and women. As a board-certified internal medicine physician my practice is based on optimal health, longevity and wellness so I am thrilled to share insights into how these pellets can benefit those experiencing perimenopause, menopause and andropause.
How to Treat a Sunburn: Expert Advice from an Internal Medicine Physician

I was recently on a short vacation in sunny Fort Lauderdale with our friends, and I saw first hand their sixteen year old lovely daughter get a pretty painful-looking sunburn on her feet “despite using sunscreen”. She had neglected to apply it on her feet. Although we still enjoyed our next two days there, I could feel her pain and agony trying to wear any footwear over the next few days. It made me realize all over again the importance of respecting our sunscreen and sun-protective gear.
Can You Really Lose Weight on Vacation? Exploring the Surprising Benefits

I just got back from a week in France only to realize I had lost weight on my vacation despite all the croissants I enjoyed. How was this possible? Can one really lose weight when you’re on holiday? While it might seem counterintuitive, vacations can indeed offer opportunities for weight loss. Several factors in my case contributed to this phenomenon, turning my time away into a healthful retreat and I think many of these points apply to other holiday goers.
Summer Ready: Discover the Mediterranean Diet

In 1826 Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.” And in 2024 as we get wiser and learn more about the biohacks, continuous glucose monitoring trends and pursue our quest for extending our lifespans and healthspans, focusing on our diet deserves if not most of our attention, at the very least an article in our newsletter by itself 🙂
Is Sitting The New Smoking? How Being Idle Is Affecting Your Life

Hi everyone! You may have heard the catchy headline “sitting is the new smoking.” While it might sound dramatic, it’s a stark reminder of how detrimental prolonged sitting can be to our health.
Get Ready for Summer: The Best Tips for Enhancing Your Physical Appearance

As we head into summer, many of us start thinking about how to look and feel our best. As a board-certified internal medicine physician I get this question a lot from my patients so I’ve decided to share with you my key insights on how to make the most impact on your physical appearance.
My top 6 sunscreens by skin concern for year round protection

Hello, beautiful readers! It’s Dr. Rosy Sandhu, back with another vital topic for your health and wellness journey. May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to educating and reminding everyone about the risks of skin cancer and the importance of protecting our skin. But let’s not limit this crucial conversation to just one month.
Mastering Glucose: The Art and Science of Monitoring and Hacking

On the tails of is “Glucose The New Gluten” is the realm of glucose monitoring and hacking and understanding why it is crucial for optimizing health and well-being.
Firstly, what exactly do we mean by “hacking” glucose? In simple terms, it involves employing strategic interventions to manipulate and regulate glucose levels in the body.